Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

 Mother Teresa of Calcutta, also known as Saint Teresa, is a remarkable humanitarian and missionary, founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity in the 1950s. She was canonized by Pope Francis on September 4, 2016, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. This was a grand celebration, celebrated by millions globally, and was a significant moment in the history of missionary work.

 Mother Teresa's life was filled with deep devotion and compassion for the poor and the lonely. She embodied true Christian values such as humility, compassion, selflessness, love for one’s neighbor, and faithfulness to God, serving as an inspiration to the faith of many Catholics all over the world. Her unwavering service to the destitute and determination to alleviate the sufferings of the poor charmed people around her and gave them the strength to work for world peace and happiness.

What were the reasons for the canonization of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was canonized, which means she was declared a saint. The canonization process is truly a complex one and it takes years for an individual to be made a saint. It first begins with 'beatification,' which is when the individual is declared to be blessed by the Pope, and for such a thing to happen there is a certain criterion.

The title of a saint is one of immeasurable honor, grace, and virtue which explains the lengthy process. To be beatified, the person in question be an individual who had lived a life of heroic virtue and had performed at least one miracle or a miracle had taken place upon their intercession.

Two medically inexplicable miracles were linked to Mother Teresa after interceding with her. The first was the healing of an Indian woman called Monica Besra in 1998. She was suffering from a serious condition of a brain tumor and couldn’t get enough medical treatment due to the financial position of her family, upon interceding Mother she had a vision of her, and thereafter, the tumor completely disappeared. No medical explanations could be given for such a surprising phenomenon.

The second miracle was the healing of Marcilio Andrino, in 2008. He was a man of Brazilian origin and was suffering from a serious medical infection, caused due to build-up of brain fluid and multiple abscesses. These reasons caused him to experience a medical coma, however, his wife interceded with Mother Teresa for his recovery and placed a holy relic on his forehead. Although the surgery he underwent improved his health to a limited extent, the true miracle of Mother's blessing resulted in his full recovery.


It is important to remember that the Catholic church is very strict and stringent on the entire process of canonization. It involves both theological evaluations and medical experts to declare if certain incidents are pure miracles and then based on certain grounds such as being unexplainable by medical science.

Some people do believe in miracles while others may have different viewpoints, the concept of miracles varies with people's interpretation of it. However, regardless of it, Mother Teresa has contributed significantly to humanity and society through her heartfelt efforts and devotion to the poor and the lonely.

 Author’s Bio

For further details and inquiries, visit the official website of the Missionaries of Charity.


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